In 1997, WZLX-FM radio out of Boston voiced an on-going rumor that by playing Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon (DSOTM) to The Wizard of Oz (TWOZ) produced a very unique experience. The music lined up somehow to the film. So well in fact that it appeared as if it might have been done on purpose. This experience was soon dubbed The Dark Side of Oz and/or The Dark Side of the Rainbow.
The only catch was it plays for only about half of the film.
We've found one totally kick-ass ending to pick up where DSOTM leaves off...
The Prodigy's: The Fat of the Land
TFOTL not only plays exactly like the first after DSOTM finishes but it contains a hoard of synchs along with its dramatic musical tangent. A cool Pink Floyd groove followed by The Prodigy's hardcore style. And it ends perfectly when Dorothy returns home to tell of her adventure.
In the tradition of Synchronicities, this nails it.
If that has piqued your interest, please browse the site and check out more of what we be talking about. A video in the Timing link at left is tailored for the entire experience with both the DSOTM and TFOTL albums. A synopsis video is up in the TFOTL button. Other internal links are a Synchronicity primer, what media you will need, descriptions of both album synchs and other related items.
Links that stay within this website open in this field. Links that go out will open in a new window. This is a fan-based website, we are NOT selling this video, merely offering an experience that of which was so freely given to us. If you decide to watch the entire Synchronicity, we hope you enjoy it as much as we have.
- Dk
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